
  1. 커뮤니티

세미나 및 행사

창의IT융합공학과(CiTE) 해외 석학 초청 세미나 안내(Dept. of CiTE – UPMC Seminar)

  • 1736


해외 석학 초청 세미나 안내



창의IT융합공학과에서는 현재 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(UPMC) 방사선학과 Chairman으로 재직 중인 배경태 교수를 초청하여 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다. 배경태 교수께서는 화학공학 학사, 의공학 박사, 방사선학과 의사로서 다학제적 연구의 세계적인 선구자이며, POSTECH 학생들이 융합연구를 위해 가져야 할 마인드 및 방향을 자세히 알려주실 것입니다.


UPMC는 현재 미국에서 가장 큰 병원 네트워크를 가지고 있으며, 방사선학과는 무려 200명이 넘는 교수진을 기반으로 최첨단 의료 복합 연구가 활발히 진행되는 기관입니다.


관심있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.



■ 일시: 2013년 3월 26일(화) 13시~14시 30분

■ 장소: 포스코국제관 2층 중회의실 D   

■ 초청연사: 배경태 교수

■ 세미나 주제: Clinical Engineering Translation in Radiology: How I developed my career

               ※ 다학제 연구를 수행 할 학생들의 자세에 대한 초청 강연



                                                                                    2013. 3. 21


                                    창의IT융합공학과 주임교수




* 배경태 교수 약력*


Kyongtae Bae, MD, PhD

Professor and Chairman

Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh


Medical/Graduate School

Seoul National University (Korea), BS in Chemical Engineering
University of Pennsylvania, MS/PhD in Bioengineering
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, MD, 1992


Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University St Louis

Clinical/Post-doctoral Fellowship

Thoracic Imaging Fellowship, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University St Louis

& Programs

MR, CT, Clinical, Translational, Digital Imaging, Radiology Informatics

Clinical Interest

CT and MRI

Research Interest

Dr. Bae is a radiologist and imaging scientist and has extensive experience and publications in contrast medium pharmacokinetics, functional and physiologic CT and MRI imaging, computer-aided diagnosis, and clinical translational and imaging biomarker research. He is also the Director of the Imaging Biomarker Lab in the Department of Radiology. In addition to clinical radiology practice in CT and MRI, Dr. Bae has an interest in applying computer and image processing technology to advance clinical translational and imaging biomarker research in a wide range of diseases including polycystic kidney disease, pulmonary embolism, emphysema, osteoarthritis, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumor perfusion, multiple sclerosis, spine, eye, and liver. Dr. Bae’s Imaging Biomarker Lab specializes in discovery and development of morphological and functional imaging biomarkers from CT, clinical and high-field MR images for clinical translational applications. Dr. Bae has published over 470 papers, proceedings, and abstracts including over 170 peer-reviewed journal publications (majority of them as the first or corresponding author). He also has ten patents and is responsible for securing over $16 million in NIH grants to pursue research over the past 13 years.




                                       CiTE-UPMC Seminar



The Department of Creative IT Engineering (CiTE) will have a seminar with Professor and Chairman, Kyongtae Bae, MD, PhD, from the Department of Radiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(UPMC). Prof. Bae is a worldly-known multidisciplinary research pioneer with background in chemical engineering, bioengineering, and radiology. His seminar will focus on the importance and impact of cross-departmental research and education based on his lift-time experience, which well matches the educational and research mottos of POSTECH.


UPMC currently has the largest hospital network in North America, and the Department of Radiology is actively performing cutting-edge interdisciplinary researches with more than 200 faculty members.


Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend



■ Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 1:00pm~2:30pm

■ Place: 2nd floor Conference Room D, POSCO International Center

■ Speaker: Professor and Chairman Kyongtae Bae, MD, PhD (UPMC)

■ Title: Clinical Engineering Translation in Radiology: How I developed my career




                                                                  2013. 3. 21


                          Head, Department of Creative IT Engineering