
  1. 커뮤니티

세미나 및 행사

창의IT융합공학과 특강안내(Creativity and Innovation)

  • 1550


창의IT융합공학과 주관으로 개최하는 고영찬박사 특강(창의와 혁신)을 안내 드립니다.

 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.


참석을 원하시는 경우 회신을 부탁드립니다.

※ 회신처: 이홍주(e-mail: leehj2000u@postech.ac.kr, T. 279-8885)

※ 회신기한: ~3.22(금)까지


○ 일시: 2013.3.26(화) 19:30~21:30

○ 장소: 국제관 중회의실D

○ 강사: 고영찬박사

○ 주제: Creativity and Innovation


[ 고영찬박사 약력 ]

Seoul National University, BS in Chemical Engineering (1971)

University of  Washington, MS/PhD in Chemical Engineering (1979, 1981)

M.B.A, University of Cincinnati (1989) 



  • SCAP-Tech Consulting, President, 2010 – Present

  • Weyerhaeuser Company, Technology Center, Federal Way, Washington (2006 – 2008)

  • Kimberly –Clark Corporation, Neenah Technology Center, Neenah, WI (2000-2006)

  • S-Oil (구 쌍용정유), 상무이사; 연구소장 (1992 – 2000)

  • Georgia-Pacific, Neenah Technology Center, Neenah, Wisconsin (1988 – 1992)

  • Procter & Gamble, Miami Valley Research Lab, Ross, Ohio (1982-1988)

  • STFI (Swedish Pulp & Paper Research Institute), Stockholm, Sweden (1981-1982)

  • KIST (Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Seoul (1971-1974)



We now live in the information age where the skills of Creativity and Innovation are absolutely required. At present, the words of Creativity and Innovation(C&I) are commonly used everywhere in the world. They become bywords. Surprisingly, however, many people mistakenly believe that having the intellectual power of creativity and innovation should be a gifted talent belonging to only some especially smart people. They do not believe that they have such a talent. So it may be useless for them to try to learn and develop this talent. Professor G. Graham Allan of the University of Washington strongly disagrees with this common belief. He believes that Creativity and Innovation should not be a talent, but a skill which can be acquired through adequate training and incessant practicing until they become a second nature. Everyone can be creative and innovative regardless of education levels, ages, sexes, or races. With this conviction, about 20 years ago, he introduced a course, “Creativity and Innovation” at the University. The course was an instant success. Since then, it remains one of the most popular courses (within Top 5) in the entire university. As one of his PhD students, I have had a privilege of reviewing and discussing the course with Prof. Allan. My global work experience can testify for the value of taking this course. I appreciate why Prof. Allan is so proud of this course. I could not agree with more. The objective of this presentation is to introduce the Creativity & Innovation course with some specific examples for practical applications. Another objective is to find ways of establish this course in Korea. Let’s think creatively!