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International Workshop on Bioengineering Innovations 2015: Imaging, Devices, Agents, and Applications

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International Workshop on Bioengineering Innovations 2015: 

Imaging, Devices, Agents, and Applications

 Date: 23rd–24th(Mon –Tue) February 2015,

 Place: International Conference Room at POSCO International Center

 Organizing Chairs

YongminKim, Ph.D, President of POSTECH

JinSoo Lee, Ph.D, Chair and Professor of Creative IT Engineering and Director ofFuture IT Innovation Laboratory at POSTECH

ChulhongKim, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Creative IT Engineering at POSTECH

 Objective:

“International Workshop on Bioengineering Innovations 2015: Imaging, Devices, Agents, and Applications” aims at bringing togetherseasoned and new researchers in the field of biomedical imaging, devices, agents and applications, and providing a platform to foster sharing and collaboration in bioengineering research areas.

During this two day event, this workshop will cover the following areas:

-Novel Imaging/Sensing Technologies and Challenges

-Current Challenges in Biology and Medicine

-Chemicals in Biology and Medicine

-Flexible and Wearable Biomedical Devices

 Sponsors

POSTECH Department of Creative IT Engineering (CiTE)

POSTECH Future IT Innovation Laboratory (i-Lab)

POSTECH President’s Office

POSTECH Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Research Center

Institute for Basic Science, Center for Self-assembly & Complexity


 Keynote speakers

1. LihongWang, Ph.D., Gene K. BeareDistinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis

2. KyongtaeBae, MD/PhD., Professor and Chairman of Radiology at University of Pittsburgh

3. Matthew O’Donnell, Ph.D., Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington Professor

4. Charles Murray, MD/Ph.D, Professor of Pathology, Bioengineering, and Medicine/Cardiology at the University of Washington.

Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Biology and Co-Director of the Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine.

5. Nigel Lovell, Ph.D, ScientiaProfessor at the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering at University of New South Wales.

6. KimoonKim, Ph.D, Professor of Chemistry, Director of Center for Self-assembly & Complexity, Institute for Basic Science.

7. Jonathan F Lovell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Engineering at State University of New York at Buffalo.

8. MeyyaMeyyappan, Ph.D., Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology, NASA Ames Research Center.

9. Sung Key Jang, Ph.D, Professor of Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology at POSTECH.

 Registration Fee

Domestic- Student : 100,000 won Public : 200,000 won / Oversees – Student: $100 / Public : $200


Homepage: www.iwbi2015.com, e-mail: IWBI2015@gmail.com (Inquiry about IWBI 2015)