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세미나 및 행사
[CiTE] 창의세미나 안내 (IBM Reseach Workshop)
- 1296
:IBM Research
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창의세미나를 개최하오니 관심 있는 많은 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.
consequences for systems for Big Data
일시: 2014년 10월 15일 (수) 14:00 ~ 17:00
장소: LG 연구동 강당 101호
초청자: 김재준
교수 (279-8861)
Creative IT Seminars: IBM
Research Workshop
Recently, IBM launched its flagship microprocesssor, POWER8,-based
systems optimized for various emerging applications including Big Data. We will
have a unique opportunity to hear about related research directly from the
prominent IBM researchers. The workshop consists of 3 exciting seminars as
follows. Your participation will be greatly
1. “IBM Research Overview and OpenPOWER” by
Dr. Fadi Gebara,
2. “Exploring models of computation and the
consequences for systems for Big Data” by Dr. Peter Hofstee,
3. “Flash Storage System Research at IBM Austin”
Dr. JB Kuang,
Date/Time: October 15, 2014(WED) 14:00~17:00 (3 hrs)
Venue: LG Bldg. Auditorium #101
Host: Prof. Jae-Joon Kim (279-8861)