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세미나 및 행사

[CiTE 세미나 안내] Technology Platform Trend for Internet-of-Things and Wearable Devices

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[CiTE 세미나 안내] Technology Platform Trend for Internet-of-Things and Wearable Devices

7월 17일 목요일 오후 2:00 부터 다음과 같이 LG 전자의 Internet-of-things (IOT) 관련 연구기획을 리드하고 계시는 백종섭 님의 관련 세미나가 있을 예정이니 관심있는 분들은 참석해주시기 바랍니다.

-제목 : Technology Platform Trend for Internet-of-Things and Wearable Devices

-시간 : 7 월 17 일 ( 목요일 ) 2:00 ~ 3:30 PM

-장소: 창의공간 (NINT 빌딩 6층)

-연사 : 백종섭 (LG Electronics)



Internet-of-Things basically means everything is connected, and “wearable computing” is the new buzzword in how we’re going to live our lives.  Cisco estimates that 50 billion devices and objects will be connected to the internet by 2020. Wearable devices including smart watch and fitness band are getting popular, and there will be plenty of innovative wearable technologies next decade. But, the promises can only be realized when engineers and researchers figure out the technology platform of energy harvesting, SoC, OS, Security, Network, Embedded Software, Wireless and Sensors.

Short Bio:

Jongsup Baek is Innovation Technologist of LG Electronics San Jose Lab.  He is actively working on standardization of IoT/Wearable technology platform and taking a leadership role in IoT/Wearable technology platform development in LG Electronics. Mr. Baek is passionate about  emulating human five senses in embedded system. Prior to joining LG Electronics, Mr. Baek was the director of systems engineering for Alereon, where he was responsible for wireless UWB architecture and SoC development.  In other previously held position, Mr. Baek served as a manager and as technical leader in all phases of design from architecture to product ramp at previous companies such as Cogino ( acquired by CISCO ), Cowave Networks, and Hyundai Electronics.  Mr. Baek holds B.S. degree from Seoul National University and the M.S. from Yonsei University.