- 홈
- Undergraduate
Undergraduate Program
cite, great place for learning
elective courses without boundaries
- personal growth statement
- Strive to Search for Interested Research Areas
- Initiate Learning & Research
- Design Relevant Courses and Establish Future Plan
- creative it design courses
- Smart Computing
- Smart Devices and Circuit
- Smart System and Robotics
- IT-based Future Healthcare
- creative studio courses
- Interaction Design Studio
- Play and Game Studio
- Life Sensibility & Transhuman Studio
- Human-Centered Design Studio
- University Core Courses
- Science & Technology Core Courses
- Humanities Arts And Social Sciences Courses
- Condensed & Intensive Courses
Education Strategy
Establishment of Curriculum That Nurtures i Talents Beyond Existing Engineering Education
- Create an environment where students can solve challenging problems by themselves during 3-6 years of education period
- Provide condensed & intensive short courses customized for nurturing i talents
CiTE’s 3+3 Innovative Education System
IT 혁신 교육체계
- 학부과정(3년)
- 석·박사 과정(3년)
- 박사학위(6년)
- In the undergraduate program, students are able to learn a variety of disciplines of study, such as science and engineering as well as humanities, arts, and social sciences, etc
- The students are able to elicit and implement creative ideas through the education of the Creative IT Design and the Creative Studio that is related with self-initiated Personal Growth Statement (PGS)
- Students become immersed in education through project-centered curriculum
- Students actively participate in research activities starting with the undergraduate program (e.g. Creative IT Design Project, Student’s Creative Project, etc.)
Convergence Education& Research
- 기초필수(27학점)
- 물리
- 화학
- 생명
- 프로그래밍
- 미적분
- 응용선형대수
- 교양필수(14학점)
- 글쓰기
- 인문과 예술
- 과학과 사회
- 체육
- 영어인증(창의IT별도)
- 교양선택(15학점)
- postech 교양선택 + 해외대학 교양선택
- 전공필수(31학점)
- pgs 설계
- 인문기술융합개론
- 창의studio
- 창의it설계 1~4
- 전공선택(33학점)
- pgs에 따른 다양한 선택
Major Requirements
- Creative IT Design : Learning IT convergence technologies through team and/or individual research projects
- Creative Studio : Courses for IT interacted with humanities and social sciences background (3 courses)
- Interplays of Humanities and Technology : Imagination in the fields of humanities and arts plus engineering knowledge
- Personal Growth Statement (PGS) Design : A course of designing self-directed growth plan
Major Electives
- The major courses of all departments at POSTECH are recognized as CiTE’s major electives