
  1. 커뮤니티

세미나 및 행사

[Seminar] Computational Biology Applications to Drug Development

  • 1503

#일시: 2013.11.05(화) 17:00~

#장소: NINT 6층 창의공간

#주제: Computational Biology Applications to Drug Development

#연사: 이슬 교수(한국뉴욕주립대학교)


  Drug development costs are steeply increasing even with

the technological developments.

  Computational methods have been applied to the

drug development process for over a decade.

  However, researches are still in

doubts about their efficacy. In this talk, we will go over the typical


drug development process, identify areas where computational biology are used,

and talk

  about their limitations. I will also provide suggestions on how we

can better address the concerns

  focusing on integration of biological

knowledge into the systematic drug development process.