
  1. 커뮤니티

세미나 및 행사

학과 세미나 안내(양성욱 박사 / KIST)

  • 1139

학과 세미나를 아래와 같이 개최하오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여부탁드립니다.

일시: 2016. 3. 21(월) 16:00 ~

장소: C5 105호

연사: 양성욱 박사 / KIST

주제: Intelligent Handheld Instruments for Robot Assisted Microsurgery

초청자: 김한준 교수


Robot-assisted surgery has been increasingly adopted in a wide variety of surgical applications because it offers fine manipulation with high precision and dexterity. Despite the commercial success of robotic platforms, practical use in microsurgery is still challenging due to a considerable level of accuracy required at sub-millimeter scales. Furthermore, lack of tactile feedback may lead to substantial and even irrecoverable injury. To address these issues in microsurgery, a handheld instrument, Micron, has been introduced as an alternative to conventional robotic platforms. It allows surgeons to directly maneuver surgical tools, while selectively filtering out erroneous motion such as hand tremor. Thus, surgeons can attain the natural feel of manual operation and also direct tactile feedback from the tool attached to Micron. This talk presents a new design of the handheld instrument and also explores automated microsurgery in conjunction with image-guidance. For the design of a miniature 6-DOF manipulator, a new optimization framework is introduced, resulting in the optimal dimension of the manipulator. Moreover, the new instrument attains an order-of-magnitude increase in the range of motion so that it enables automated operations for intraocular OCT scanning and laser photocoagulation. To realize automated surgery in an intact eye, we propose a monocular hybrid visual servoing scheme, incorporating cone beam reconstruction for surface estimation, partitioned visual servoing control, and adaptive frameworks in control.


Dr. Yang is a senior research scientist in the Center for BioMicrosystems at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). He received the B.S and M.S degrees in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Seoul National University in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in robotics from Carnegie Mellon University in 2015. His research interests include surgical/medical robotics, microrobotics, neural engineering, and mechatronics systems for biomedical applications.