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정성준 교수팀 최신 연구결과 세계적 권위지 ‘Science’지에 소개
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Your future smartwatch
might be printed with an inkjet printer
By Gabriel
Nov. 1, 2016, 3:00 AM
Imagine getting the latest
smartwatch or a high-tech heart attack warning detector from your inkjet
printer. Researchers have taken a step in this direction by printing cheap,
reliable arrays of transistors—the key components of modern electronics—and
using them to carry out elementary computing tasks. The work might someday help
usher in a new era of organic, flexible consumer electronics.
Instead of the usual silicon, the new circuits were
fashioned out of organic—or carbon-based—compounds. And whereas others have
printed and stacked organic electronic components using a mix of inkjet
printing and other deposition methods, the new work uses just an inkjet printer
for the entire process. “I cannot think of another [device with at least two
layers] where everything was done with inkjet printing,” says Ananth
Dodabalapur, an electrical engineer at the University of Texas in Austin who
was not involved in the work. “This is a good demonstration.”
New commercial electronic devices must be compact,
durable, and amenable to mass production. Nearly all mass market devices rely
on microchips of the chemical element silicon, on which manufacturers etch ever
smaller transistors—essentially electrical switches that can be used to fashion
logic circuits for computers.
But silicon chips have some disadvantages. Silicon wafers
are stiff, so it’s difficult to make silicon-based circuitry flexible. Many
think that flexible, wearable electronics built from organic
materials could open up new applications for electronics. For example, flexible
electronics could gather vital medical data such as the stiffness of arteries,
which can help predict heart attacks, and brain electrical activity, which can
signal oncoming epileptic seizures.
To help realize that potential, Sungjune Jung, an
electrical engineer at Pohang University of Science and Technology in South
Korea, and colleagues set out to see whether they could simply print working
networks of organic transistors. To cram in as many transistors as possible, they
designed transistors that could be stacked on top of each other, rather than
placed side by side on a chip, effectively packing two transistors into the
space usually occupied by one.
They printed the 3-micrometer-tall circuits one layer at
a time with an inkjet printer: On the bottom, they laid down the carbon-based
compound that would form the parts from which electrical current would flow
into and out of one transistor, then the metal electrodes that would control
the current in both transistors, and, finally, the compound that would form the
current-carrying parts of the other transistor. Between the layers of
transistors they deposited thin films of a protective material called parylene.
The device included more than 100 transistors, enough to form logical circuits
that completed several basic computations, including adding two numbers.
Jung’s device hit a number of key benchmarks. All the transistors worked, even
8 months after production—an impressive feat for organic electronics, which
often degrade quickly. Moreover, the process required temperatures no higher
than 120°C, compared with many hundreds of degrees on a typical silicon wafer
fabrication line, the team reports in ACS Nano.
Still, the printed devices are far from competing with
silicon. The team was able to pack about five transistors into a square
millimeter, whereas integrated circuit chips in today’s computers cram millions
into the same space. “Our technology, in terms of transistor density, is at the
stage of silicon technology in the late 1960s or early 1970s, when the first
microprocessors came out,” Jung says.
Because the researchers were aiming to demonstrate a
concept rather than prototype a product, Jung’s team printed its circuit on
stiff glass. But he says they have already printed similar components on
flexible plastic, and plan to publish that result soon. Dodabalapur also notes
that by some metrics, the new device lags behind what others have already
achieved with organic circuits. For example, the type of computing logic the
team used requires more transistors than other approaches, largely wiping out
gains from more closely packing the components. And the transistors operated
relatively slowly and inconsistently, he says. Moreover, although it’s possible
to use inkjet printing for every step in the manufacturing process, he says, “I
don’t see any advantage … to restrict oneself to one printing or patterning
But such imperfections might be ironed out as a product
moves to commercialization, says Janos Veres, a flexible electronics expert at
PARC, a research institution in Palo Alto, California. He applauds the study
for showing a novel way to print and protect organic circuit components, and
imagines future labels or sensors containing stacks of not just two, but many
transistors, perhaps working in concert with silicon chips or other
technologies. “Ultimately we do see the opportunity to print microchips,” he
Posted in:
DOI: 10.1126/science.aal0325